Clinics & Intensives for Equestrians

customizable private and group workshops and retreats 

Lisa Pulliam is a gifted teacher and inspirational speaker, engaging audiences through the practical, personal, and winsome ways she communicates life-changing principles.

Passionate about simplifying how the brain and body function as an integrated whole in the context of safe relationships, Lisa unpacks the art and science of improving wellness and performance both in and out of the tack.

With experience as an equestrian and mental health professional, trained as a coach, therapist, and Natural Lifemanship clinician, her goal in every interaction with a student or client is to make the big . . . small. That's because the brain does not perceive small as a threat. A brain in a calm state is a brain that is able to learn and grow. So while Lisa will give you much to think about, she will do so in a way that you'll feel calm, confident, and ready to embrace the growth process successfully.


Clinics, Workshops, and Retreats

Bring Lisa to your stables, farm, or ranch to lead a one-of-kind clinic, workshops, or retreat with your herd and humans catering to the needs of your community.


Customizable & Adaptable

Mental Fitness for Equestrians
Finding Calm: Navigating through Fear & Anxiety
Understanding the Impact of Trauma
Herdstability: The Impact of Herd Dynamics in Humans and Horses
Uncovering Your Competitive Edge without Compromise
Creating a Self-Care Life Plan
Vision Board Workshop
Becoming a Leader Who Masters Flying Lead Changes
Cultivating Healthy Connection and Life-Giving Community
Leg Up Leadership at Every Level
This workshop was great!! It deepened my understanding of how “I show up” and the importance of my awareness of that as well. Also, the importance of connection and building trust in relationships.
Stacie Strole | Team Building Workshop

Private Intensives

Customized for You

Is it time to address your struggles one-on-one, drilling deep into the blocks that are holding you back? A one or two-day private intensive with Lisa will enable you to uncover the root issues and clarify the action steps needed to move forward. Bring Lisa to your farm to work with you and your horse or book a private experience with her in horse-country Pennsylvania. 

Goals & Results

Understandi the Impact of Trauma
Identify Growth Blocks
Discover the Power of Partnership
Cultivate a Timeless Vision
Create a Sustainable Action Plan

The work we did with and without the horses gave me such insights into decisions I need/ want to make and a clearer sense of being. Lisa was able to identify and show me how I was being present. She guided me through activities that helped me identify past and present behaviors that have prevented me from making decisions.

Mary Taylor | Private Intensive Client

Let's Work Together

Begin the process of working with Lisa to customize an event or training that works best for your group or team.

Discover the

Secret to Thriving


Download the Stableminded Growth Pathway to get started!!

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