Personal Vision Coaching + Course

Are you ready to embrace your purpose in life, without insecurity, confusion, or fear sabotaging your potential? Yes, it is time to step into the life you were made to live.

The Personal Vision Coaching + Course will give you exactly what you need to move forward emotionally resilient, relationally strong, and confident in your giftings and talents.

Through a combination of one-on-one coaching combined with the Personal Vision curriculum that integrates with your Highlands Ability Battery results, you'll gain the motivation to embrace life with creativity and confidence.

What's Included?

Highlands Ability Battery

Access to the Highlands Ability Battery

The Highlands Ability Battery Assessment is a method, a model, and a process of self-discovery. The battery reveals how you problem solve, where you get your energy from, and how you connect with others, providing you with a framework for approaching relationships, educational studies, and career pursuits.

The HAB includes:

  • Three-hour online assessment, which is divided into 18 timed work-sample segments, that can be completed in one sitting or spaced out according to your time availability
  • Whole Person Model takes into consideration all aspects of your life so that you can pinpoint how your personal style and abilities influence your relationships and well as your professional and personal life pursuits.
  • The full report explains the battery results and gives you access to an information-rich database of educational and career matches that connect with your abilities.

Private Feedback Session

Review Your Highlands Ability Battery Results

In a sixty-minute Zoom feedback session, you will meet with Lisa to review your HAB results and learn how to strategically use your results and navigate the course curriculum. 

Online Curriculum

Access to the Personal Vision Course

The eight-session modules personally integrate with your HAB assessment results:

    • Session 1: The Whole Personal Framework
    • Session 2: Abilities, Personal Style, WorkTypes, Skills, & Interests
    • Session 3: Family Influences & Values
    • Session 4: Integration - Personal Vision
    • Session 5: Goals, Values & Career Vision
    • Session 6: Creating Fit
    • Session 7: Surveying
    • Session 8: Bridge to Your Future

Package Price

Meet for 8 Live Sessions

Meet online for eight 45-minutes sessions designed to provide you with deeper education and accountability as you cultivate your personal vision. 


$1535 full or 3-payments of $535, which includes the Highlands Ability Battery, Online Course Access, and 8 Coaching Sessions


"I'd been wandering, without a real sense of purpose or direction since I graduated high school. There were so many things I wanted to do with my life that I couldn't figure out how to settle on one thing. Through coaching sessions and the Highlands Battery Assessment, Lisa facilitated the process of identifying my goals, resulting in moving to  Colorado and living the life I longed for.

Margie Keith

What is the Highlands Ability Battery?

The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) is a human assessment tool that objectively measures your natural abilities by asking you to perform specific tasks or exercises. As part of the Highlands Whole Person Model, the HAB is the foundation and starting point to identify the career best suited for you.

The HAB was founded on the work of research scientist Johnson O’Connor, who devoted his life to the study of human engineering. Almost a century of research that began with Johnson O’Connor and continues through the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation has established that every individual is born with a pattern of abilities unique to him or her.

Through a three-hour, self-paced online assessment, the HAB measures basic human abilities such as:

  • visual speed and accuracy
  • ability to work with numbers and designs
  • inductive reasoning
  • analytical reasoning
  • idea flow
  • verbal aptitude
  • structural visualization
  • musical aptitude
  • several applications of memory

After completing your HAB, you will receive a comprehensive report, which links to a database for certification, education, and career prospects.




Ready to develop the skills to improve your overall well-being? 

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