A.R.I.S.E. Growth Method

What is holding you back? Keeping you stuck?

The answer is more simple, albeit more complex than you might think.

What we feel influences what we believe and what we do.

What we believe influences what we do and feel.

What we do influences what we feel and believe.

Yes, it is a chicken-and-an-egg situation with a myriad of opinions in the psychology field.

However, what you need to know in order to grow is understand how to respond to your mind, heart, body, and soul as an integrated whole.

Essentially, the impact of trauma (which is more common than realized), as well as the consequence of insecure attachments with primary caregivers, has shaped the way you see this world, others, yourself, and maybe even God. And that is what is influencing your mindset and habits.

Your search for safety, security, and belonging is an equally strong driving force.

So the real question, then, isn't what is holding you back?

Rather, the way forward is to develop a habit of checking in with yourself while exploring your beliefs and emotions in order to identify what steps can you take so that you may o embrace the possibilities of change as you choose to stabilize and thrive.


The A.R.I.S.E. Method will enable you to stabilize and thrive by gaining skills that lead to emotional resilience and relational strength.


How did you get to this moment? What is happening around you?

Consider what you've experienced in the last few hours to days as well as your broader life story that is impacting how you are showing up in this moment.


What is happening in your body? What sensations do you notice? What emotions do you feel?

Pause to notice what is happening in your body. Where are you holding tension? Where is the fear or anxiety showing up? What are you feeling? Start with the primary emotions of sad, made, glad, and afraid and then consider more complex emotions?


What are your beliefs about yourself, others, and this situation? 

Learning how to identify helpful versus harmful beliefs about your situation, yourself, and others is necessary for choosing the next best step. Ask yourself the question: What is the evidence of that? 


What are your options, opportunities, and solutions?

Not every challenge needs to become a debilitating crisis or obstacle to moving forward. Consider how a challenge may be a set-up for something better. Learning how to assess the situation and the options is an essential life skill that leads to resiliency. 


What is your next step? Be specific and realistic.

Engaging in the process of growth requires taking action with purpose and intentionality. Set a S.M.A.R.T. goals. Ask for help from a friend. Book a coaching or counseling session to get the support and accountability to move forward. 

Survival should be a state, not a trait. 

You can arise, stabilize, and thrive!

The growth process is possible when you seek to function with an integrated brain in a fully present body existing in the context of healthy connected relationships.

These are the principles supported by the developmental neuroscience model as described by experts such as D. Bruce Perry, Dan Siegel, Curt Thompson, Brene Brown, Bessel van der Kolk, and others.

For some, coaching is the first step of exploration and can lead to deeper therapeutic work.

For others, therapy is a necessary step to address the maladaptive behaviors rooted in attachment wounds and trauma.

Regardless, evidence shows that equine-assisted coaching and therapy accelerate the process, nearly cutting treatment time in half!

That's because the feedback offered when interacting with a horse reveals what is happening in the body while exposing the emotions and thoughts that rise up.

The A.R.I.S.E. Growth Method, practiced in equine-assisted sessions, is easily translatable to human relationships and situations outside the round pen.

Come find out for yourself!

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Secret to Thriving


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