Are you looking for the “exception to the rule?”

I have an important question for you to consider. It may even be life-changing. Are you looking for the “exception to the rule?” Why life-changing? Well, read on . . . ​ If we’re talking about how much time you should get off from work based on how hard you work, you might in fact think your effort ought to be the exception to the rule. However, if we’re talking about trustworthiness, that may be influenced by how trustworthy you […]

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Stabilizing Your Family

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, acquiring insight and techniques for creating emotionally resilient and relationally strong connections is an invaluable investment toward stabilizing the family unit. With the ever-changing cultural context and anxiety-producing stressors pushing in on families, “normal childrearing” needs a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma, the survival response system, and the importance of predictable, regulated connections.  Raising children well requires us to look at the life experiences and relationships that have shaped us

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Why Living in the Recent Future is Good for Your Mental & Physical Health

Have you ever considered the possibility that there are two distinct ways we show up in this world? And moreover, how the way we show up can be impacting our emotional and physical health? As a personality type and neuroscience junkie, as well as a coach and therapist-in-training, I know full well that boiling it down to two types is nigh to impossible. However, I do believe that these two types — or ways of being — impact our mental

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