Equestrian Mastermind + Coaching Program

you deserve the kind of leg up that will enable you to take the next stride with confidence

Develop the Resilience and Grow into Your Goals


One thing I've discovered as a horsewoman is that the obstacles we face can be overwhelming, paralyzing, and downright destructive to our confidence.

The joy can disappear in a second, and not just because we hit the dirt in an unfortunate fall.

We may be able to dust off our breeches and get back on the horse, but that doesn't resolve the bigger issue.

The problem for many horsewomen is the feeling of isolation that comes from not being with like-minded equestrians.

And that sense of isolation is the least bit helpful when it comes to navigating through fear, anxiety, and run-of-the-mill issues in and out of the tack.

The Equestrian Mastermind + Coaching Program is designed to meet this very real need for connection, community, and collaborative support.

The combination of group sessions with private solo sessions offers a place to be heard, seen, and felt in a way that relieves tension, reduces stress, and increases resiliency!

Yes, this program can be a game change for you as an equestrian in and out of the tack, bringing back your joy, increasing your confidence, and helping you achieve the goals you may have nearly given up.

Give this program a chance, and see how radically different you'll feel by the turn of the new year!

Yes, you're worth it!

The Equestrian Mastermind + Coaching Program

This program focuses on four core principles over the four-month mastermind term, supported by assessments and practical guides for developing in all three areas:


  • Understanding the art and science of mind, body, and heart connection within yourself, with others, and your horse and why it is essential in good horsemanship and humanship


  • Pinpointing the sources of fear, anxiety, apprehension, and how to re-establish calm as a way of being


  • Identifying what courage looks like for you and your horse while creating a realistic plan targeting specific steps for sustainable growth


  • Uncovering the beliefs and experiences that sabotage your confidence as well as your horse's
  • Harnessing the tools and the support team to enhance your education as well as motivation in the face of fear

The Program Includes

  • 8 Mastermind Gatherings with follow up recordings
  • 4 Private Coaching Sessions
  • Monday Motivation Tip
  • Worksheets, Resources, and Guides
  • Accountability & Encouragement


  • Priority Access to Stableminded Retreats & Clinics
  • Priority Access to Booking Coaching Sessions


  • $599 pay in full by August 15
  • $649 pay in full by September 1
  • 2 payments of $399, due by September 1 and November 1

Program Runs from September 5 through December 30

Apply Now!

Space is limited for this group to provide the best customized and personalized experience possible. Acceptance is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon acceptance, a $50 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot, unless full payment is made.

Equestrian Mastermind Application
Kody & Lisa

Lisa Pulliam

Founder of StableMinded.us & Equine-Assisted Coach/Educator

Elisa Pulliam, the founder of StableMinded.us, is passionate about helping youth, adults, and groups arise, stabilize, and thrive by growing emotionally resilient and relationally strong. By providing coaching and development programs, with the support of assessments and equine-assisted learning opportunities, Lisa's goal is to equip her clients with practical skills to navigate through anxiety, fear, insecurity, hurt, shame, mental blocks, leadership challenges, and relational conflict as she simplifies the brain-body-relationship connection that shapes mindset and habits.

Lisa is a certified Natural Lifemanship Trauma-Informed Equine-Assisted Specialist and Coach, Life Breakthrough Coach, Highlands Ability Battery Consultant, and holds an MA in Clinical Counseling with a trauma concentration from Eastern University.

When she’s not serving clients, you can find her balancing her time at the stables enjoying her barn family and beloved OTTB rescue, Kodiak Jack, and home savoring the time with her husband of 28 years, nearly all-grown-up children, and being entertained by her beloved Golden Retriever, Beckley.


Why did I create this program?

Why did I create this program for you?

Because it is what I needed for myself . . . over thirty years ago  . . . and more than twelve months ago.

While I did not experience a tragic riding accident as a teen, I did get popped out of the tack in my first show, not once but three times.  Getting back in the saddle was a matter of principle. And I did it scared.

Fast forward to 2021, and this time instead of getting popped out, I threw myself off a runaway horse. Three months later, on the same horse, I was launched like a rocket when he spooked and I landed flat on my back.

Thank God, I walked away from both falls with a bit of bruising but nothing was broken. . . well not a broken bone.

However, my courage was broken. My confidence was broken. And my connection was broken -- with a horse I still love and a sport I thought I might never find my joy in again.

I could have quit. Some might think I should have. But it has never been part of my nature to just give up. I am the comeback kid, passionate about knowing better and doing better.

It's all about the legacy and example if you ask me! I come from a long line of folks who live in a constant state of worry, anxiety, and fear. It has threatened to undo me more than a time or two. Combine that with the fact that the trauma of childhood emotional and physical abuse may always show up in my body with a high startle response . . . and well, one might say it could be wise to walk away from riding horses. Sorry, not an option.

Maybe you can relate. If quitting is not an option, I'm here to help you find the way forward!

No, I won't tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. By the way, it won't work, at least not over the long haul, because that is not the way our body and brain are designed to process the pain we've endured! Instead, I will I put help you discover how to put into practice trauma-informed neuropsychology principles combined with compassionate (and confident) horsemanship skills so that you can find courage, confidence, and joy-filled connection with horses again.

I know it is possible. I am living proof.

Ready to Get Started?

 Let's connect for a 15-minute Consultation Session to chat about your needs and plan your program!

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Secret to Thriving


Download the Stableminded Growth Pathway to get started!!

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