Evaluate Your Partnership

Identify What Needs to Change to Find Calm Again

Are you ready to get honest about what is working well with your horse and what needs serious attention?

Even if you don’t own a horse, I highly recommend taking the time to do the following evaluation. Consider it a primer for what to look for in a horse partnership.

Ready to get started?

Connect with Lisa to begin the kind of growth process that will result in lasting change and impact.


Meet Your Coach

Elisa Pulliam, who prefers to go by Lisa, is passionate about helping clients arise, stabilize, and thrive personally and professionally. As a dually trained mental health therapist and coach, Lisa provides holistically focused, trauma-informed therapy, coaching, and development programs to individuals and groups both online and in person.

Lisa’s passion for transformation is birthed out of her personal experience overcoming the impact of a childhood marred by abuse and dysfunction through the support of her faith, healthy relationships, and therapy. As a second-season equestrian, returning to riding in her late forties, Lisa counts it a privilege to help fellow horsepeople find their calm and confidence again. 

Lisa holds a Master’s in Clinical Counseling with a trauma concentration and certifications with Life Breakthrough Academy, Highlands Ability Battery, and Natural LIfemanship Institute. She is also trained in EMDR. Lisa has more than two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, author, speaker, podcaster, and ministry leader. In 2021, she launched Stableminded.us, adding the specialty of equine-assisted services to her offerings.

When Lisa’s not at the stables loving on Kodiak Jack, her 2010 Off-the-Track Thoroughbred she rescued in July of 2022, she can be found savoring time with her husband of 28 years, all-grown-up children and their spouses, and being entertained by her beloved Golden Retriever.

Discover the

Secret to Thriving


Download the Stableminded Growth Pathway to get started!!

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