Restorative Retreat Feedback Restorative Retreat Reflection Form It was such a privilege to guide you through your Restorative Retreat experience. To help solidify what you discovered and experienced, please take a few minutes to reflect and capture your takeaways. This is crucial to your growth process! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *ReflectionTake a few minutes to remember each session over the time of your Restorative Retreat, than complete the questions below.As you reflect on your experience as a whole, what key words or phrases stand out?What did you discover about yourself?What did you discover about how you relate to others?What is one thing you'd like to change or work on as a result of this experience?Action StepsTake the time to write down one to three clear and measurable action steps. Action Step #1Action Step #2Action Step #3TestimonialPlease feel free to summarize your experience in a sentence or two, which I would love to be able to use with your permission. Please share how you would explain the benefit you gained by this experience to someone who might be interested in booking a Restorative Retreat.Comments/FeedbackYour opinion matters! Feel free to share any comments or suggestions that would improve our Restorative Retreat experience!Submit Login to Client Portal Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...