5 Steps to Becoming Resilient

Wondering what steps you can take to become resilient so that you can lead the life you were made for? Yes is it possible to take steps to identify how to grow emotionally and relationally so that you can respond with resilience in the face of challenges. To get started, grab the 5 Steps to Becoming Resilient to use as your guide. Over the next five days, take 10 minutes each day, to reflect on each prompt, and then begin […]

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Three Myths about Coaching & Counseling

Three Myths About Coaching and Counseling

Have you ever wondered about the differences or similarities between coaching and counseling, and if you (or someone you love) need either? There are so many myths about coaching and counseling that it is hard to know which is the best option to support your healing and growth. So let’s bust the myths and give you the knowledge you need to make the best decision possible! Myth #1: Counseling is only for those who are struggling and can’t fix themselves,

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Creating New Habits Through Carving New Pathways

While we might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, a human mind is able to be touched and transformed through new information. Yes, the good news is that our brains can change, thanks to neuroplasticity. The term, “plasticity” describes the ability of the brain’s neural pathways to be changed as opposed to the original belief that the brain reaches a point in which change is impossible. “We are born with 100 billion neurons—brain nerve cells—which are

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